Friday, 11 April 2008

Adult Attention-Deficit Disorder

I actually wanted to post this last Sunday but when I walked into my home-office, I saw the clutter and decide to clear the clutter. Then as I did that, I saw a novel that I loved reading. So I went out to the living room to read... as I read first few pages the book, I realised the sequel would have be out since. Thus I went to get ready to head to town to get this new book. As I search for clothes to wear, I realised I need to iron my work clothes for next week. Thus I set out doing it. I turned on the TV and loved that show it was on so I sat down to watch...
I felt asleep later on... waking up several hours into the night...

There you go...
the blog posting was not done;
the clutter is still there;
the novel unfinished;
the novel sequel yet to be brought;
my work clothes unironed;
the TV show I did not get the ending as I had fallen asleep running myself tired...

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